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Leica Akademie Singapore Workshop

I attended a workshop "Capturing The Beauty of The Earth, Humans and Nature with The Leica S and Leica SL". The workshop was held by Leica Singapore, conducted by Oliver Vogler, from Leica Germany. He has been a national and international lecturer and trainer at the Leica Akademie Germany since 2013. His extensive workshop offers work in the photo studio, portrait workshops and model workshops. He also offers a lot of landscape and architectural photography workshops and especially the available light photography.

Leica Store loaned me Leica SL and the 24-90 Vario Elmarit SL for the workshop. During the workshop, Oliver taught us how to use the camera and to take a good photo of the model, considering the light, the way to approach the model, etc. It was a great day, to get to know new people, and to be able to use the camera, the Leica SL. It is a mirrorless system camera with an electronic viewfinder and electronic shutter. The camera and the lens is just fantastic. I have tried this camera a few times, and always get nice photos. I love Leica SL. The downside, this camera is slightly too big and heavy (beside it is quite expensive of course haha...). Maybe just need to get used to it. One day, maybe I would like to buy this camera :):).

Below some photos of the model, Faith Vega, from Nu Models. She is beautiful and very expressive.


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